Wealthy, Healthy, and Alive?
I wish to write this article as an open letter to all the beings spending their every day at the borderline. We have barely managed to pull ourselves together and enter 2021. The year 2020 taught us how fragile and shakeable we are against forces of nature. And yet here we wait, fail to foresee, to comprehend; ready for the annihilation process.
However, before that happens homosapiens will die of their unhealthy lifestyle. What is a healthy lifestyle”?
Lifestyle mobile phone filled with fitness apps, belly fat burn workout videos, running on a treadmill and taking an elevator instead of using the staircase, concrete roads over jammed with traffic and bicycle been hijacked by electric two-wheelers. For breathing fresh air, we have an air conditioner, then who wants Trees, green leafy giants, when I can construct Burj Khalifa in its place. Can’t money buy artificial oxygen just like the mineral water I drink?

Nevertheless, exercise constitutes the number one part of a healthy life. All that body movement surely is pumping the blood all through the circulatory system. Try a 100-meter run, see how your heart is racing, the breathing becoming faster and shorter, your face turning all red. You see how a 100-meter run gave the pumping system a kick start. The whole purpose of an exercise is movement, life is all about flow and movement.

Dead things are devoid of any movement. Would be wise if you can sense in the direction the current of life is taking you or else better notify the self “my dear since you are alive, allow your cells, tissues to breathe”. Take out your jogger shoes, use them for a change be it walking, running, climbing, dancing, anything will work as long you exercise. Taking out 30 minutes from a busy routine for a workout is not just a new year resolution but a blessing to the body for longevity.
Health is also about what you eat. What you are eating is constructing is the mRNA, DNA. Food is the raw material that our bodies use for manufacturing cells. Then shouldn’t we become more aware of what we are eating? All the vegetables, meat that goes inside the body are building up the body immunity.
Here is for better understanding: foods containing essential nutrients.

Food: Function in Human Body
Citrus food (lemon, orange): Vit-C- helps in boosting collagen, helps in increasing cell turnover (B-cells, T-cells)
Berries: loaded with antioxidants- reduces the oxidation of rate of cells
Mushroom: Selenium, Vit-B-responsible for propelling metabolic activity
Watermelon: contains glutathione- helps in boosting immunity and cell life
Spinach: Folate-helps in DNA formation, Vit-C, antioxidants
Tea, Beans, Nuts, Soy: Polyphenols, flavonoids- help manage blood pressure, keep blood vessels healthy, helps to reduce chronic inflammation
Broccoli: Iron, antioxidants
Garlic: beats skin infection
Ginger: good source of antioxidants
Soybean: rich source of protein
Yogurt, Curd: probiotic in nature, nourishes and hydrates skin
Dairy products: source of Vitamin-D, contains Calcium which helps in reducing the risk of cancer
Fish, Prawns: rich source omega, good for skin, hair, eye vision
Pomegranate, Kiwi: rich source of Iron helps in increasing hemoglobin
Carrots: contains Vita-A: essential for vision, immune system and reproduction

It is essential to remind ourselves often that we owe a responsibility to our body and hear what she wishes to communicate to us. All those excuses which you have been coming up with like too busy in a job to even have a proper meal forget workout are not worth it. The question one necessity to ask is why are you going through all this? If you have no plan to take care of the most vital asset, your own bodysuit. Diabetes, cancer, cardiac arrest, renal failure are the gifts of health neglecting work culture. Overtime in the office is well appreciated, however a holiday for taking rest demands you to tell 100 lies to your boss, still no guarantee for the sick leave to pass through.

Why not build a biometric machine to record one’s attendance to his/her health? Spending a lot of money on beauty and skincare products from body nourishing cocoa buttercream to hair rejuvenating serum, then why hesitate to spend 30 minutes on body fitness. The forever youth cream might not fade away those wrinkles but the sweat-producing aerobics can help you look 20 years younger. Therefore, to take care of the body and her needs is the job we cannot neglect anymore. Choose wisely! Choose freely!