In the remote corner of Nainital district, is located my village, named Dhur. There is no direct road to the village, we have to walk for around one hour to reach there. The place is surrounded by dense green mountains. The place with its majestic beauty is home to Rhododendron, Deodar, Banj Oak trees. In the hill’s villages are located at small distances, however, the houses are constructed relatively far from each other due to the smaller population. The primary reason for the steady population is the high infant mortality rate in hills co factored by harsh climatic conditions. The nearest hospital is about a hundred kilometers away and buses to which are not very frequent. I came across the tough living temperament of people as I dug myself moving from one mountain to another.

The purpose of my visit was to explore my parental village, as my Papa wanted me to see for myself the village life closely. Nature is like a silent lover, the silent beauty, it captivates you and gently her magic lets you embrace her, fall in love with her.
A woman is the embodiment of nature, nurturing, powerful, healing, and receiving; someone who creates life, yet the two suffer at the hands of men. I was confronted with this harsh truth when I visited my village and saw the women folks working hard while men were either gossiping in groups or embracing heat from the burning firewood. In hills, it is the women who take care of the whole household.
As we ventured deep into the countryside, we saw women of every age and color. Although what fascinated me was an old lady carrying a green bundle of grass, and she was followed by a large herd of goats. I have had seen shepherds carrying a stick for taming sheep, but the old lady’s technique of luring the goats was simply enthralling to watch. The world is indeed filled with wonders.

Traveling in the countryside is refreshing with all the nature surrounding you, as such one’s body absorbs the flowing energy or maybe the surrounding peace and quietness activates your once numb senses, making them feel the life force.
Nature is the personification of feminine life force and literally realized how powerful and strong this force works while watching all those women engaged in work. In hills, it is the women folks who run the household, the rural economy. Be it growing crops on the land, rearing the livestock, cutting the woods, or traveling miles to fetch water. This the life of women of Kumaon, women of hills, something like watching movies enjoying, relishing leisure time with your friends is an unfamiliar experience to them. Recreation, leisure, comfort, or pleasure are the commodities over which only men have the monopoly.

Throughout the trip, I saw men gatherings, holding discussions, and conversing among themselves. Nor once did I encounter women or girls engaging themselves in all such gatherings apart from work-related activities. Upon arriving home after a great thrilling endeavor was comfort. Tour to my village gave me a first-hand opportunity of observing the beauty of nature and the misery of the women of hills.