I wish you all Happy Periods!

From the eons to the centuries, periods to cultures, the cycle of nature has been flowing freely, passionately, profusely. Nature functions in a cyclic rhythm, we can trace this periodic motion as circular non-linear something more than linear functionality.
The earth revolves around the sun in cyclic motion, the season follows cycles of monsoon, summer, winter autumn spring. Living beings follow a life cycle too, as nature’s creation. As women, we run on cycles, we bleed, we ovulate and it is through the continuing cycle life nurtures, procreates itself on the blue planet.
But how many of us are comfortable telling that we are part of this cycle that we are on our periods. The pain we suffer during those times of the month is like facing life and death as we go through twisting contacting uterine volcanic vibrations, has it ever been valued?

The impeccable lustful desire for some touch, for something sweet, isn’t horny but hormonal. Maybe hormones are horny, yet these hormones nourish and construct all your biology. The menstrual cycle or periods are part of your reproductive cycle, they are natural and there is nothing to be of ashamed.
Let me recall one of the incidents to my readers, the incident where I was judged for the very process I have been undergoing for fifteen years since I hit puberty. The story goes like this, on a particular day I started bleeding like any normal ovary and was going through usual stomach bloating, cramps, mood swings, heightened intestine mobility, etc. I was holding my phone checking out some menstrual cramps memes to divert my mind from backache. Yes! backaches are normal during periods, I have finally understood it has got very little to do with bad posture or kidney problems when one is bleeding.
Ok! Google is full of memes and I found one I could relate to especially when my roommate, my hostel neighbor, my classmate including I all started bleeding on the same day.
There is a quote by Tesla which says “everything is energy, energy is everything, if you wish to understand the universe, think of energy, frequency vibration”.

Energy is powerful, the feminine flowing through you can simultaneously make you and your girls bleed on the same day. One woman’s energy affects another woman, energy is flowing in nature, it flows from me to you, from you to them, and from them to us. Women are intuitive, they catch each other feelings, lies, emotions, and even periods, well it’s always nice to appreciate your female friend, a source of great mystical power.
Continuing my story when I came across the meme I decided to upload it on my social media. After an hour I received a phone call from my brother that the meme I have shared on the media platform should be deleted and I should avoid sharing such things publicly. Of course, he wasn’t successful and the meme is still there on my wall post with zero likes which is more upsetting than my bro asking me to delete the period meme.

From the above incident, I could infer one thing that men never understand periods, at least a good number of them are foolishly ignorant. What happens when we are unable to decipher something unable to get the idea of what it is? We shame it, we judge it, we label it, we taboo it.
Then how do we eliminate this shaming which society has been holding against the most sacred ritual women’s bodies go through. We do it by challenging this limiting belief, the very idea of judging women’s bloody menstruating bodies.

It is Ok to tell your male-female friends or family that you are unable to go to the party, prayer ceremony or family get together because girl you are on fire, on periods. Let me be honest with you, people become awkward and don’t know how to react when you tell them the truth maybe they will try to change the subject, which I always find funny well you know the saying goes “everyone has a plan till they get punched in the mouth”.
The acceptance of female reproductive biology demands respect and an open outlook. You will find many who will compare your body to supermodels, celebrities, markets are filled with injections to cure pimples or wrinkles and aging vagina. We are constantly being judged for who we are and how there is something wrong within us.
At times like these where everything is consumerized, capitalized, I ask you my fellow women to be brave and authentic to your true self. Love yourself, cherish yourself, take care of those hands, those feet, they are your wings your armor. Celebrate your body, your body is beautiful, perfect, whole and in this process of self-love, you will gain an appreciation of yourself.